неделя, 1 септември 2013 г.

Epistemic Proceduralism: A Solution to the Authority of Democracy Dilemma?

Статия, публикувана в сборника Lehetséges: Kis Jánosnak tanítványaitól, edited by Kovács Kriszta and  Tóth Gábor Attila, KALLIGRAM, Pozsony, 2013


Кратко резюме:

Against thе background of competing (proceduralist versus instrumentalist) answers to the “What makes democracy special?” question, the dilemma behind the contemporary debate on the authority of democracy is easier to identify. To be the preferred form of government, democracy must guarantee good government, yet the impartial procedures, which for many are the core of democracy, do not by themselves guarantee such results, though may “accidentally” produce them.
I do not analyze in any detail  the proceduralist and instrumentalist poles in this debate, which I have done in a previous article from 2010. Rather, I critically evaluate the original contribution to it of David Estlund’s  Democratic Authority. A philosophical Framework who tries to navigate the ship of democracy through the Scylla and Charybdis of the above dilemma, leaving it intact, and preferably – stronger.

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